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Nordan Composite Technologies

Nordon started as a private Indy Car effort in 1989 and then opeed to the public a year later.  They continue to supply numerous teams with the latest technological advances in light-weight and high quality composites. "Prototyping," one-offs and production runs, from fiberglass to carbon fiber, Nordon is capable of producing high quality composite components in an extremely cost effective manner.  Components requiring the utmost in structural integrity are processed in our onsite Autoclave with such applications from Formula 1, Cart, World Sports Car and also including products used in the aerospace industry.  For additional cost-effective applications such as those used in touring car, Pro/Amateur and vintage racing series Nordon specializes in Ambient Temperature Curing (Vacuum bagging or wet lay-up) as well.

52 Broadway
Rocky Point, New York 11778

Ph: 631-654-0148