Would you like to Sponsor a Pole or Planter? Businesses and Community members alike can help make Rocky Point & Sound Beach more inviting and attractive for shoppers and residents by supporting our RPSB Chamber of Commerce Adopt-a-Pole/Planter program.
Residents, organizations and merchants are invited to participate in the Adopt-a-Pole/Planter program by completing the registration below or by sending payment directly to the Chamber via mail. Banners indicating the sponsor's name will be displayed on the light poles. Sponsors will also be acknowledged on the Chamber's website at the beginning of the chosen campaign time. Banners allow you to highlight your family name, the name of your business, company or professional office. Other ideas for tributes include purchasing: to honor a person, in memory of someone or joining with others to share the cost of a hanging plant or planter.
Beautification is a key aspect of community development and the Chamber strongly believes a pleasant community appearance adds to home values, helps attract business investments and improves the neighborhood reputation. Our goal is to make Rocky Point & Sound Beach more attractive to residents and visitors and create a culture that understands the importance of aesthetics. Your support will help us achieve this goal.
We welcome your ideas and input as we continue our efforts to Beautify Rocky Point & Sound Beach.
For Planter Campaign: Local florists provide drought resistant plants for our light poles and planters through the Rocky Point Civic Association. The Chamber wishes to especially thank the Civic Association and Kathy Weber for organizing the Planters and for watering the plants. Without their volunteer commitment, it would not be possible to have beautiful, living plants hanging from the top of the light poles and overflowing from the freestanding planters and keep them thriving throughout the summer.
Local florists provide drought resistant plants for our light poles and planters through the Rocky Point Civic Association. The Chamber wishes to especially thank the Civic Association and Kathy Weber for organizing the Planters and for watering the plants. Without their volunteer commitment, it would not be possible to have beautiful, living plants hanging from the top of the light poles and overflowing from the freestanding planters and keep them thriving throughout the summer.
RPSB Chamber of Commerce